Beyond Financial Fitness

Learn how to build security and prosperity for the future.

What's Included

  • Beyond Financial Fitness Book
  • Beyond Financial Fitness Workbook
  • Audio Book and 4 Educational Audios
  • Two DVDs
  • Bookmark and Decal

Available Digitally

  • Two Online Videos
  • One Audio Book
  • Four Digital Audios
  • One eBook

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

I’m so excited! About 12-24 months ago, I had put a $500 car repair on a credit card, started paying it down a little bit, then graduation rolled around and I didn’t save up for graduation so I had to put those expenses on a credit card. The balance had been plaguing me month after month after month. Well—NOT ANYMORE! A couple of days ago, I paid off this credit card and I just feel so FREE! That’s another Harvey coming out of the Financial Matrix. We’re doing it as a family. It is difficult to be different and to be disciplined, but it is TOTALLY worth it to be chipping away at my debt. I have a plan to be out of the Financial Matrix within the next couple of years (before I’m 30) and I am so excited!! I don’t even know how to express this because it is not the norm for my family.
Jasmine Harvey

We started to implement the principles we were learning from the Financial Fitness Program and we are super excited to announce that we just wrote our last check that eliminated $55K of consumer debt in 9 months. We didn’t gain any additional income, we just gained a different way of thinking, prioritizing, and living. This debt elimination has decreased our outflow each month by 25%. We also (for the first time ever in our 16 yrs of marriage) have an emergency fund with 7 months preparation. Thank you so much to Financial Fitness for completely changing the course of our family’s future. We are looking forward to changing more family legacies with the Financial Fitness Program.
Christopher and Rebecca Durham

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